jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

No Class This Week Beginning 21st Nov. and Advanced 2 Work


1. Please collaborate in the 'Article Writing' that is being done here on the Wiki as part of your continuous assessment. Deadline: 21st Nov. postponed to 27th Nov.

2. Read this article here on the writing wiki. It is about Ryan Air boss/owner, Irish man, Michael O'l Leary. Plan how you would write a Report on this article. Do you remember the structure for a report? Give your own personal opinion in the conclusion. Write between 220 and 250 words. Deadline: 7th December


1. 12 and 13 Rafa's CD
2. W/B Listening in Unit 2C
Deadline: 27th Nov.

Grammar and Reading

1. W/B all exercises in Unit 2C

Deadline: 27th of Nov.


1. If you have not already taken part in the speaking assignments that are outlined in last week's Blog post, please do so and send your recorded answers here to the wiki. This will be part of your continuous assessment score.
Deadline: 21st of Nov. postponed to 27th of Nov.

For Answers to last week's homework go here.

Progress Test on Unit 2

Revise for test above. Possible dates are the 1st week of December. (7th/9th/12th). (And remember these conoslidation tests are for you to check how you are progressing and to help clarify doubts you might have, so do not worry unduly about them).

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