martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Santa Brigida Home-Work For January

This is work for both groups Intermendiate 2 and Advanced 1 to do because of not having to attend class this week as you will have more free time...: )

Intermediate 2

1. Listenings from 3 to 7
2. S/B P. 158 finish all irregular verbs
3. S/B P. 42/43 Reading
4. S/B P. 41 Vocabulary work (use monolingual dictionaries)
5. W/B  P. 27 and 29  all

Advanced 1

1. Listenings 14, 15, 16, 17
2. S/B P. 150 and P. 41 Vocabulary work
3. S/B P. 42 grammar all plus P. 136 grammar bank and p.137 corresponding exercises
4. S/B P. 44-45 Reading all
5.W/B  P. 26 grammar plus listening
6. W/B  P. 27 Reading; P. 28 Vocab. Grammar; P.29 Grammar Listening.

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