jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Telde: A Summary of the Speaking Topics Studied

These are examples of some of  the topics which we studied from the students' book. Have a look at them and select a few to practice for your Speaking Exam. Decide which vocabulary and grammar is associated with each topic.


1. It is essential to show that you can use the new vocabulary and expressions learned.
2. You must use a variety of grammar structures and show that you can use the grammar studied this term.
3. Remember to answer the question accurately -  make your points relevant, coherent and appropriate to the task.
4. Keep to the time period given.
5. Do not repeat points.
6. Try to keep as fluent and as natural as possible....if you need time to think, use expressions like: Let me see, what else?, let me think, oh yes, etc try not to have long silences!
7. Show confidence, speak normally....do not attempt to speak too fast. It is not a race!
8. Use appropriate linking words to link your ideas e.g. so, therefore, while, afterwards, first, however, consequently, due to this etc

Monologue Sample Questions: Could you speak for 3 minutes on the following:
What specific vocabulary and grammar from the book would you use?

You are looking for a new flatmate. Consider the following - How? Characteristics of new flatmate? Topics to discuss? Questions to ask?

Living Alone
Opinion? Experience? Advantages/Disadvantages? Cost etc?

Living with Family or Friends
Opinion? Experience? Advantages/Disadvantages? Cost etc?

Ideal Niche Holiday
Where? Why? Who with? How? When?

Problems?  Experience? Considerations? Difficulty?

Activities you'd like to try
Why? People who have done it? Reasons to try it? Preparation? Advantages/Disadvantages?

New Place to live
Where? Why? Amenities? Suitability? Life-style?

People You Enjoy Meeting Socially
Who? Characteristics? Activities? Where?

Childhood or Teenage Years
Describe it. Things you used to do, experiences, people in your life, memories etc

Bored  Afraid Annoyed Exhausted Fascinated Satisfied Impressed Anxious Amazed Depressed Furious  Starving etc  think of when you felt 2-3 of these emotions and explain the circumstances.

Ideal Best Friend/Life Partner
Which characteristics describe your ideal best friend and/or your ideal partner? Personality/behaviour? Attitude to life? Anything else?

Ideal Work Companion
Which characteristics describe your ideal work companioin? Personality/behaviour? Attitude to life? Anything else?

Which ones? Opinion in general on games? Advantages? Potential problems? Comuter games? TV game shows?

In 10 years' time
Describe what your life might be like? Why? How? Want?

Future plans
Describe in detail reasoning why? Where? Who? How?

What makes you happy? Why? Important factors for happiness?

Starting a new job/course
Experience? Feelings? Difficulties? etc

Social Issues
Your opinion on the social issues we have studied eg. Unemployment.... use opinion expressions, give examples and reason your answer.

Dialogue Sample Situations:  Could you have a 5 minute conversation about the following? 

What specific vocabulary and grammar from the book would you use?


A restaurant owner who has been broken into and a police officer, can you imagine the conversation?  What exactly happened?  What/Who do you blame? What solutions are there? How to avoid this in the future?

You are a landlord/landlady and a potential tenant. Imagine the conversation between you. What questions would you ask each other? Topics? Doubts?

A good work colleague and a good friend
Discuss together what combinations of personal qualities would make a good work colleague and which would make a good friend.

Talk together about things you used to do as a child/teenager? Compare and contrast experiences. Ask questions. How different now, reason answers with examples.

Living Abroad
Discuss together things that would be difficult to get used to if you were going to live in an English speaking country such as England or Ireland. Advantages? Expectations?

Customer Service Department and a Client
What type of problem might you be discussing?  Questions you would ask? Information you are looking for?

Debating Social Issues
Poverty, Unemployment, Technological World, Drug Addiction, Famine, Drought, Smoking,  Depression, Weight Issues....etc  Discuss together one of these issues, giving your opinion in a variety of ways, giving examples and reasoning.

You and your partner plan a holiday together. Where? Why? Activities? Considerations - cost, time, weather....etc

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