lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Home-work for Week Beginning 23rd of January


1. W/B 3B
2. CD 11, 12, 13, 14
3. Monologue and Interaction preparation
4. Book Chapter 7
5. Important: Check the Reader work-card and add
the following to:

Chapter 9, Q. 4e 'Who must he come with?'

Chapter 5, Q. 2 b is missing add 'b) Mark finds his computer is missing'


1. W/B 3C plus listening
2. S/B Vocab. P. 45 and P. 162
3. S/B Grammar P. 47 and P. 144 Unreal Pasts
4. Prepare Monologue and Interaction notes
5. CD 11, 12, 13

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