miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012


Here are some examples of the type of monologues and interaction you will have for the speaking exam.


You will speak on your own for about 5 minutes on one of the following.

You are required to use vocabulary and grammar structures which we have studied. Please make use of the 'opinion' work-sheet which I gave you at the beginning of the academic year.

1. Success: Think of s successful person and what makes them successful. What are your own beliefs regarding success, in general?

2. Motivation: What or who motivates you in different areas of your life? What is your opinion of the importance of motivation?

3. Work: Think about important factors that make people happy at work. Explain your reasoning.

4. Work: Describe a job you would love to do and a job you would hate to do. Reason your answer.

5. Personality: describe some qualities that you consider negative and also qualities that you consider positive. Imagine you have to sell yourself in a job interview, describe the qualities you have to offer in order to do this.

6. Family: In the 21st century, friends are the new family. Give your opinion on this.

7. Family: Children are left too much on their own nowadays. It would be better if one parent did not work and stayed at home with the children until school age. Discuss.

8. Family: Your parents brought you up,it is your responsability to look after them when they are old. Give your opinion on this.

9. Language: People nowadays in public life should be able to speak good English. Give your opinion on this.

10. Language: A lot of schools now have bilingual programs where other subjects are taught in English. Discuss your views on this.

11.Childhood: Describe a specific incident in your childhood and how it made you feel and why you remember it so accurately now.

12.Multi-tasking: What is mutitasking? Do you think it saves time or are you probably wasting time by doing things less effectively? Discuss.

13.Time: Everyone would benefit by seeing a psychotherapist from time to time. Give your opinion on this..

14. Time: Both partners need to take the same amount of time off when they have a baby.

15. Give your opinion on this: 'Revenge Is Sweet'

16. Age: What worries you most about getting old?

17. Reading: Discuss your reading tastes. Give examples of types of writing you like

18.Life-style: Nowadays people are ruled by superficial values. Give your opinion on this.


You have between 5 and 6 minutes to discuss one of the following topics together.

You are required to use vocabulary and grammar structures which we have studied.
Please make use of the 'opinion' work-sheet which I gave you at the beginning of the academic year.

Try to discuss these issues giving both sides. At times you will have to argue 'against' what your partner has said in order to extend and deepen the discussion.
The objective is to interact at conversational level, not to win a debate!

1. Life-style: In our society people are defined by how much money they earn.

2. Life-style: People today have an unhealthy interest in the lives of celebrities.

3. Work: Businesses and organisations should stop playing background music. Silence is much more relaxing.

4. Love: The institute of marriage has changed positively in this country over the last 20 years.

5. Age: Retired people have too much time on their hands. They should be encouraged to carry on working longer hours.

6. Life-style: It's only a matter of time before governments impose a complete ban on smoking and drinking.

7. Language: English programmes should stop being dubbed into Spanish.

8. Family: The family is a trap from which it can be difficult to escape.

9. Work: The longer you stay in one job, the happier you become.

10. Work: A competitive work salary is NOT an important factor as regards job satisfaction.

** Added in on 12th Jan.

Ask Yourself the following when contemplating your Speaking Exam

1.Have you used a variety of advanced grammar (especially grammar that has been studied this year)?
2. Have you used a variety of vocabulary and/or vocabulary from the book?
3.Is the content relevant? And coherent?
4.Is there fluency and good pronunciation or are you pausing a lot and interrupting the flow of language?
5.Do you use inking words and a variety of ways to given an opinion?
6.Do you sound confident and comfortable speaking in English?
7.Are you being careful not to repeat the same points?
8.Do you answer the question correctly or is the content sometimes irrelevant?

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