domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Advanced 1 Halloween

Take a look at this video which will set the atmosphere for the following work. : )

All Groups (1, 2 and 3 please watch these videos on the history of Halloween and Halloween's Origins and make your own personal notes on Halloween's history.

Group 1 Go to Halloween Project and answer questions 1-6 and watch video 1 and answer questions.

Group 2 Go to Halloween Project and answer questions 7-11 and watch video 2 and answer questions.

Questions for groups 1. Find the information here.

1.What does the word “Halloween” mean?

2.Roman Catholics, Episcopalians and Lutherans used to observe All Hallows Day to honor ____________________________________________________________

3.Pope Boniface IV introduced All Saints' Day to replace __________________________.

4.When was this festival observed?

5.Who celebrated "Samhain" (pronounced "sow-in")?

6.Most of the customs connected with the Day are remnants of the ancient religious beliefs and rituals, first of the _________________ and then of the _______________ who conquered them.

Questions for groups 2. Find the information here.

7.What did the Celts believed happened on the last day of October?

8.In what century did the Christian church make November 1 All Saints' Day?

9.October 31, or the night before took on other names, what were some of the other names that Halloween was called?

10.In Sicily, what ways do they have of keeping the memory of their dead relatives and loved ones alive?

11.In Mexico, the celebrate ______________________________ which means____________________ which begins on the evening of _________________.

Groups 1
Watch this video on The Haunted History of Halloween and make notes on what you have
watched and learnt in order to explain it to the other groups.

Group 2 Watch this videon on Halloween Goes Commercial and make notes on what you have
watched and learnt in order to explain it to the other groups.

Group 3 Go to Pumpkin History and the connection with Jack o' Lanterns and watch this video on
Pumpkin History and make notes on what you have learnt.

Also can each person in your group please select a different country each where they celebrate Halloween and prepare a short account of how they celebrate it. (Ireland, USA, UK, Latin-America, China etc). Look at this website for information.

All members of group 3 can you watch this video on The History of Witches or
Medieval Witchcraft (as the video on The History of Witches seems to be down)
and make notes on what you have watched and learned and be prepared to explain it to the other groups.

All Groups:
Please prepare some quiz questions on the part of Halloween that you have researched.

2. Next Monday/Tuesday, you will have 40-60 minutes in class to share information with your group and to decide on how you are going to present the information to the rest of the class. You will also have to organise the quiz questions for our final quiz on Wednesday/Thursday of next week.

3. Can all 3 groups be prepared to add the information that they have researched to the comments box below. The final date for contributing to the comments box is Wednesday/Thursday morning, the 27/28th of October. That afternoon in class, please be prepared to explain and discuss what you have read with the other groups. Please feel free to also present the work to the class in written form.

4. If you have any extra information on Halloweeen that you would like to share, please include it in your presentation....thanks!

3 comentarios:

  1. Good evening! I was trying to see the video of The History of Witches (i'm on group three) but which has started was the first at all ( The history of Halloween) speaking about celtic tradition and so on :O
    If you can change the link i'll be very gratefull.
    Even so i'll try to find it on the website of history!
    Raquel Suárez Martel

  2. Hi Raquel,

    Thanks for letting me know. That video on witches seems to be down so I have put up another one on Medieval Witchcraft....I've just watched it and it seems ok. Good Luck! ; )

  3. Hi everyone,

    I put the answer of my question here, because Monday afternoon i´m going to the dentist to extract a "judgment" teeth, and i couldn´t go to class. If i feel good i´ll go to class.

    Group 1:
    What does the word “Halloween” mean?

    The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century.
    Halloween or the Hallow E'en as they call it in Ireland , means All Hallows Eve, or the night before the "All Hallows", also called "All Hallowmas", or "All Saints", or "All Souls" Day, observed on November 1.

    Up through the early 20th century, the spelling "Hallow E'en" was frequently used, removing the "v" and shortening the word. Although the phrase All Hallows is found in Old English (the word 'Hallow' meant 'sanctify'), All-Hallows-Even is itself not attested until 1556.
