viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Intermediate 1 Global Review Page 29 Answers


Exercise 1

1. used to love/loved
2. often told/would often tell/often used to tell
3. were/used to be
4. exchanged
5. planted
6. had grown
7. climbed
8. came
9. was sleeping
10. stole
11.woke up
12. was
13. had disappeared
14.was following
15. cut
16. died
17. lived

Exercise 2
Strong: extremely, really, terribly, very
Weak: quite, fairly, rather, a bit


1. great grand-father
2. dirty
3. inspiring
4. while
5. shocking
6. protect
7. fall out
8. grandfather

IMPORTANT: Food Collection For Families in Need in the Area

EOI Santa Brígida wants to help the Human Rights’ Committee of IES de Santa Brígida in their campaign for the collection of food to help families in need in our area. Would you like to help, too? Please bring non-perishable food like:



Tinned food





Powdered milk



Fruit juice

You can leave it in the EOI library on or before Tuesday 17th December.

Let’s take a united stand against poverty.

Remember the last day to bring some food in is Tuesday the 17th of December.

Thanks for your collaboration.

Intermediate 1 Home-work for ALL Intermediate 1 groups

1. Listening CD, exercises 4,5,6,7.

2. Student book page 29, Review - Grammar and Vocabulary.

IMPORTANT: Consolidation Tests Intermediate 1 and Basic 1

Intermediate 1 Wednesday Group

Consolidation test on what we have done in Unit 2 plus a reading and listening on Wednesday the 18th of December.

Intermediate 1 Thursday Groups

A listening exam question on Tuesday the 17th of December.
Consolidation test on what we have done in Unit 2 plus a reading on Thursday the 18th of December.

Basic 1

A consolidation test on Wednesday the 17th of December on the parts we have seen in Unit 3.

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Intermediate 1 Listening Answers for CD 1



1. 1C 2B 3B 4ª 5C 6ª
2. 1 34º 2 30ª 3 Portugal 4 apartments 5 flight 6 £100 7 £80 8 Sitia
3. 1B 2A 3B 4B 5B 6A
4. 1A 2B 3C 4A 5C 6A
5. 1 17th October 2 Liverpool Youth Club 3 8.30 pm. 4 £10 5 glass bottle 6 Star 7 phone
6. 1A 2B 3B 4A 5A 6B
7. 1C 2A 3C 4A 5B 6C
8. 1 17 2 25 to 27 3 female 4 babysitting 5 $600 6 meals 7 medical insurance 8 plane/flight ticket
9. 1A 2B 3B 4A 5A 6B
10. 1C 2A 3B 4B 5C 6A
11. 1 Saturday 2 School car-park 3 2.30 pm 4 books 5 (old) toys 6 school hall 7 £2
12. 1A 2B 3A 4B 5A 6B
13. 1A 2C 3B 4C 5A 6A
14. 1 15th May 2 (large) plastic bags 3 8 4 wood 5 831 8729 6 park
15. 1B 2A 3A 4A 5B 6B
16. 1C 2B 3B 4A 5B 6A
17. 1 21 2 walk 3 America 4 swimming 5 internet 6 dolphin
18. 1A 2A 3B 4A 5B 6B
19. 1C 2C 3A 4B 5C 6A
20. 1 College 2 10 am to 6 pm 3 craft workshop 4 horse rides 5 tools 6 student’s café 7 £10
21. 1A 2B 3B 4A 5B 6A
22. 1C 2C 3B 4B 5C 6C
23. 1 leaves 2 dry 3 plastic bag 4 stone 5 sunny 6 weeks
24. 1B 2A 3B 4A 5B 6A
25. 1B 2C 3A 4C 5C 6A
26. 1 125 2 cook 3 video 4 (our) chefs 5 1868 6 (Scottish) food
27. 1A 2B 3A 4B 5B 6A
28. 1C 2A 3B 4C 5B 6A
29. 1 5 days 2 four 3 each floor 4 opera 5 dinner 6 Wednesday, 10th August
30. 1A 2B 3A 4B 5B 6B

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

Nelson Mandela Inspirational Quotes

To honour Nelson Mandela and his great contribution to humankind, here are some inspirational quotes to read and be inspired by.

Nelson Mandela Inspirational Quotes

Intermediate 1 Past Tense Work-sheet Answers

Exercise A

1. had trained 2. was cycling 3. cleaned 4. started 5. hadn't scored 6. was playing
7. had stopped 8. hadn't lost 9. was raining

Exercise B

1. happened, were driving 2. cheered, blew 3. didn't recognise, had changed 4. stopped, wasn't wearing 5. weren't listening, was talking 6. couldn't, hadn't snowed 7. weren't able, hadn't booked 8. got, had taken off

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Homework for Week December 2nd

Básico 1

1. Workbook all of 3A
2. Write about your daily routine. Use the verbs we have studied.

Intermediate 1

1. Past simple worksheet
2. Two reading texts from worksheets
3. Two chapters of Not Above the Law, our reader for this term
4. Revise irregular verbs

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Homework week beginning 25th of November

Intermediate 1 Homework

1. Student book page 23 exercise 5 and page 135 exercises 3,4,5
2. Workbook page 13 exercise 1A 1B
3. Finish rest of verbs

Básico 1

1. Workbook 2D all the exercises
2. Revision for consolidation test on Unit 2 on Monday the 25th
3. Self-study DVD Unit 2

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

IMPORTANT: Photos for EOI Administration

Hi everyone,

Please remember to send Lupe in administration a passport photo with your name and class to this e-mail address:

It is very important that you do this. If you cannot send it by e-mail, please give me a passport size photo with your name and class written on it. Thanks.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Galdar Painted Cave Photos!

Hello, at last, I am able to upload a few of the photos...I am doing it by degrees because of some computer problems I have!

P.S. If anyone has any other photos that they would like to put here, let me know.

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Writing Symbols Intermediate 1

Hello Intermediate 1,

Here are the writing symbols that I will be using when correcting your writings. Please familiarize yourself with them in order to be able to do the corrections when I return your writings.

WW - wrong word

WO - word order

WC - word count

Sp - spelling

Gr - grammar

TL - too long

TS - too short

Rep. - repetition

Bas. - too basic

Conf.?? - confusing

Homework for Week Beginning November the 18th


1. P. 20 vocabulary - write a sentence for each expression.
2. Workbook page 11 exercise 2A, page 12 exercise 2B, page 13 exercises 2 and 3.
3. Irregular verbs defgh
4. Finish report and do the rubrics correction.

Básico 1

1. Workbook page 13 all of 2C

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Intermediate 1 Reader 'Not Above the Law'

'Not Above the Law' is the reader you will be reading at home this term.
It costs 6,50€ and can be bought in the office at 16.45 - 17.00 hours and at 19.00-19.15 hours each day. Please have the EXACT money ready!

Next week we will talk about how you are to proceed with the book. Enjoy!

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Home-work for the Week Beginning the 28th of October

Intermediate 1

1. Students' Book page 15, Do the Reading and all exercises connected with the Reading.
2. Students' Book page 14, Learn and practice the expressions related to Recommendations and write 5 recommendations for each of the Speaking exercises A and B on page 14 at the bottom of the page.
3. Students' Book page 17 - Do the Unit Review and the Quiz.
3. Work-book page 8 - do the Reading.

** Revise the grammar and vocabulary and function structure for our first Consolidation Test on Monday/Tuesday the 28th/29th of October.
** The students who are going on the excursion, please check that you know the vocabulary related to the Galdar Cave for our trip on Thursday the 31st of October.

Elementary (Básico 1)

1. Work book page 9 - everything.
2. Students' Book page 16 and 17 - Write a paragraph on 'Important Things in My Life' similar to the two paragraphs on page 16 and 17. Include the verb 'to be' 'have got' and the adjectives and vocabulary that we studied.

** Revise the grammar and vocabulary for our first Consolidation Test on Monday the 28th of October.

Have a good week-end everyone!

Important News: Thursday 24th October Intermediate 1

We will NOT have class today, Thursday the 24th, as I am on strike (de huelga). Check the next Blog entry for home-work for next week. Have a good week-end and maybe see you at the protest march!

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Intermediate 1 The Painted Cave in Galdar

Here is some information on the Painted Cave in Galdar so that you can do some research before we go and then you will enjoy the experience more.

In class and possibly while travelling on the bus, we can exchange and share information on what we discovered about the Painted Caves of Galdar.

Go HERE to answer the following questions:

Who discovered the paintings?
What type of plantation was it?
What year did they discover the paintings?
Finish the sentence: A h_____was the access to the cave.
What type of people travelled to the cave at the beginning?
What is the meaning of to 'walk kneeing'? Why did they have to do this?
What shape and colour are the paintings?
Why was the cave closed in 1982?
What year did the cave open as a Museum and Archaeological park?
What does the Museum and Archaeological park consist of?

Here is some of the vocabulary connected with The Painted Cave, check to make sure you know the meaning of each word

Clay, walls, cave, low, high, discovery, research, drawings, deterioration, humidity, chamber, excavations, digging, preserve, lighting, domestic animals, geometric paintings, dwelling, historical, valuable, covered, glass, protect, site, walk through,centuries, rupestrian paintings, exhibition, work of preservation, re-open, figures, protect, hole, surface, cochineal plantation.

Can you find the words here?

What are Rupestrian paintings? Check the information HERE.

Read about the Research on the Painted Cave HERE

Read about the conservation of the Painted Cave HERE

Read about the project connected with the Painted cave HERE


Home-work Intermediate 1 and Básico 1


1. Workbook page 5 and page 6, everything including listening and pronounciation.

2. Groups 17.00-19.00 Prepare 'Culture Towns' (Group 19.00-21.00 for the moment you don't do this activity)

3. Prepare Pub Quiz Canarian Culture Questions


1. Workbook page 8 - everything.

2. General Revision

Intermediate 1 Subject Questions

Examples of Quiz Questions for our Canarian Culture Pub Quiz are HERE and HERE

Remember this is home-work for next week (21/22 october)

Ask the Subject Questions with the Question Words WHO, WHAT, WHICH. Use the model questions in the Quizzes above to help you. Please also use the questions on page 12 of the Student's book to help you.

Extra Practice With Subject Questions

Extra Practice 1 go HERE

Extra Practice 2 go HERE

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Extra Listening Activities for Intermediate

Hello Intermediate 1,

Here is a Listening Website with some activities for you to try. Do the 'Easy' activities first. Why not try 2 activities this week? Good Luck!

Here is an entry in my Blog about more listening and pronounciation activities.

Home-work for next week (7th/8th of October) Básico 1 and Intermediate 1

Básico 1

1. Work-book (W.B.)pages 3, 4, 5 - all of the activities. Correct at home and we will talk about any doubts, if there are any doubts, next week.

Intermediate 1

1.Work-book (W.B.) Pages 3 and 4. Correct at home and we will talk about any doubts, if there are any doubts, next week.

2 Students' Book (S.B.) Page 133 Exercises 1, 2 3

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Mr Vaughan Interview About Learning English in Spain

¿Por qué los españoles no lo aprendemos bien, con la cantidad de horas que le dedicamos desde primaria?

Porque lo enseñamos muy mal, como si fuera una lengua muerta. Atiborramos de gramática a los niños desde muy pequeños. Les obligamos a memorizar reglas sintácticas, vocabulario, verbos… es normal que los chicos acaben odiándolo.

Volviendo al discurso de Botella, si lo comparamos con los otros discursos, ¿no ofreció una imagen patética?

Si lo dices por la pronunciación, como angloparlante te diré que no. Los japoneses tampoco hablan bien... ni los chinos ni siquiera los alemanes. Esto tiene una explicación. Países como Japón, Alemania, Francia o España han tenido un mercado interno muy grande, suficiente para abastecer sus necesidades. No necesitaban hablar otro idioma para sobrevivir. Caso contrario fue el de países como Holanda, Dinamarca, Noruega o Suecia. Ellos dependían del exterior, por eso hablan fluidamente el inglés: porque lo necesitaban."VIENDO CÓMO SE ENSEÑA EL INGLÉS, ES NORMAL QUE LOS NIÑOS TERMINEN ODIÁNDOLO

¿Cuál es el mejor método aprenderlo bien?

Para empezar, los idiomas no se aprenden; se dominan mejor o peor, pero no se aprenden. Para dominar un idioma no tienes más remedio que enfrentarte a él en la vida real. “Estudiar un idioma” no consiste en aprender sus palabras y sus reglas, sino exponerse a los apuros que lleva consigo en el día a día.

Los niños españoles pasan muchos apuros en clase, usted lo sabe.

Pero no son los apuros de la vida real. Tal y como se plantea el estudio del inglés, es como si estuvieran siempre frente a un simulador de vuelo, pero sin tomar jamás los mandos del avión. Para aprender a volar hay que superar sus miedos inherentes: el despegue, el aterrizaje, las turbulencias...

¿Y cuánto tiempo cree que tiene pasar hasta que un español aprende?

Bastaría una hora a la semana usando inglés con cierto apuro para adquirir un buen nivel al cabo de los años. Pero tiene que ser real: A nadar no se aprende imitando los movimientos del mejor nadador, sino practicando en la parte honda de la piscina, donde no haces pie. Y arriesgándose a tragar agua.Una hora a la semana parece poco.

¿Y si queremos aprender más rápido?

Para dominarlo de tal manera que no sea un lastre en tu acción profesional necesitas un mínimo de 1000 horas, de las cuales 400 deben corresponder a apuros de la vida real. Otras 200 de clase y otras 400 de estudio, entendiendo como “estudio” el tiempo que pasas escuchando o viendo una película en inglés. Yo dediqué 3000 horas hasta que comencé a dominar el español.

¿Dedicó 3000 horas? ¿Quiere decir que el español es más difícil que el inglés?

Dominar un nivel básico de comunicación en inglés resulta más fácil que dominar lo básico del español. Por ejemplo, los verbos. El español usa distintas formas para cada persona: "yo como, tú comes, vosotros coméis"… en inglés es más sencillo: todo se resuelve con "eat". Ahora bien: llegar a un nivel avanzado en inglés sí es más difícil."NI GRAMÁTICA NI VOCABULARIO: LO MEJOR ES EMPEZAR ESCUCHANDO MUCHO INGLÉS DESDE PEQUEÑITO"

¿Qué tendría que cambiar de la enseñanza de su idioma en España?

Ufff… todo, todo. Y no pretendo que así sea, porque hay 70.000 profesores de inglés que viven de esto… Mira, si yo fuera ministro de Educación prohibiría los exámenes de inglés hasta los 14 años. Nada de gramática ni de vocabulario. Lo mejor es empezar en preescolar, escuchando muchas voces nativas. El 70 por ciento de todo el esfuerzo de atención de un idioma tiene que ser auditivo. Me da igual que den patadas al diccionario, lo importante es que los niños se acostumbren a escuchar y entender inglés.

¿Por qué?

Porque cuando un chaval español ve una palabra escrita en inglés, su cerebro está programado para leerla según las reglas de la fonética española. Por tanto, antes de enseñar la gramática deberíamos resolver un problema fonético. Si no lo hacemos a tiempo, los niños cogen manía a mi idioma y el problema fonético se convierte en otro de carácter psicológico. Y entonces ya deben cambiar no sólo de aptitud, sino también de actitud, porque les da vergüenza y pereza hablarlo. Y menos en público, claro...
Claro, el español sufre de un terrible miedo escénico, aunque tenga que hablar en su propio idioma, lo cual es un freno en todos los ámbitos. En EEUU mis compañeros y yo teníamos que ponernos de pie en clase y exponer un tema cinco minutos por semana. A los 7 años ya perdíamos el miedo escénico. En España apenas se fomenta la expresión oral en las escuelas.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

An interesting article in The Guardian Newspaper about the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas.

Intermediate 1 Home-Work

Intermediate 1 Home-work

1. Read the interview given by Mr Vaughan.

2. Global Students Book

Page 6 Reading exercises 1 and 3
Page 6 Grammar exercise 1
Page 7 Grammar exercise 2
Hello Intermediate 1,

Here is the video of 'The Story Of My Life' by Matthew West which we have been working on in class. Enjoy!

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

NB1 Elementary Class - The Alphabet and The Beatles 'All Together Now'

Hello Elementary Students,

Here is one of the Alphabet songs we are going to use in class. Practice and enjoy! : )

And here is our song All Together Now....Sing your hearts out!!

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Intermediate 2: Certification Speaking Exam Topics

Diane asks: Can you talk about these topics?  Go HERE to find out which topics you should be able to talk about in your Speaking exam?  Good Luck!

Three Hours a Day Intensive 2-Week English Courses in the Aula de Idiomas

Are you wondering how to continue improving your English now that you have finished or are nearly finishing your exams?

How about joining a 3 hour-a-day Intensive English Course where the emphasis is on speaking and listening?

Sounds good?

When are these courses?  Last 2 weeks of June, first 2 weeks of July and last 2 weeks of July.

Want to know more?  Check it out here   at the Aula de Idiomas of ULPGC.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Santa Brigida: News For Intermediate 2 Students - Certification Speaking Times

A  provisional list for Certification oral exams  is on the noticeboard outside room 18 where you can sign up for the oral exam. Please sign up today or as soon as possible.

Remember It is a provisional list -  the Escuela will do everything possible  to honour your choice but . . .
The proposed dates for Intermediate 2 Orals are:
Thursday 6th June after 4.00 pm - NI2A only (Liz's students)
Tuesday 11th June after 4.00 pm - NI2B only (diane's students)
Wednesday 12the June after 4.00 pm - NI2A and B + libres
(Excepcional Cases: Rosa García and Cristina Bermejo Thursday 6th Jun)

Santa Brigida: Final Marks and Time-Table to View Your Exams

Advanced 1 and Intermediate 2, tomorrow, Wednesday the 29th, when I put the marks up on the noticeboard, you will see 3 different sets of marks and the Global .

Column 1. You will see your Continuous Assessment (Progreso) mark for  Reading (CL), Listening (CA), Writing (EE) and Speaking (EO), in that order.  This is not only the January exam mark, it is the mark for your work throughout the whole year and my impressions of your progress.

Column 2. You will see the May Exam mark (Prueba de Aprovechamiento) in the same order, Reading (CL), Listening (CA), Writing (EE) and Speaking (EO).

Column 3. You will see the Final Mark (Evaluación Aprovechamiento) which is the combination of the May Exam and the Continuous Assessment, in the same order, Reading (CL), Listening (CA), Writing (EE) and Speaking (EO).

Final Column:  This is the Global Average which will say Apto or No Apto.

Exam Viewing Times Intermediate 2:  16.30 to 18.15

Exam Viewing Times Advanced 1:     18.30  to  20.15

See you tomorrow then.

P.S. If anyone from Intermediate 2 wants to get Listening CD 5, please ask for it in the office.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Santa Brigida: Intermediate 2 - Answers to 'Shakespeare's Love Life' Exercise

1. little
2. was
3. had
4. by
5. closed
6. so
7. suggests
8. faithful
9. unless
10. another
11. proves
12. audience
13. backstage
14. overheard
15. when
16. test
17. however
18. lover

Santa Brigida: Advanced 1 CD 4 Answers

Answer Key:

1 E
1) B  2) C  3) A  4) C  5) A  6) B  7) B  8) C

2 E
1) 18-24 / eighteen to twenty four 2) catering 3) twice a week 4) clearing  5) bookings (by phone) 6)  computers  7)  (valid) driving licence 8) (approximately) £8 / eight pounds 9) (a minimum of) 30 / thirty 10)  part-time evening

                        3 E
1) F 2) B 3) A 4) E 5) D

                        4 E
                        1) C  2) B  3) B  4) A  5) C  6) B  7) B

                        5 E
                        1) A  2) B  3) C  4) B  5) A  6) B  7) C  8) A
                        6 E
1) (dreadful) weather  2) the oceans   3) cuts and bruises  4) scared  5) (computer) software
6) explorers  7) in his 20s / twenties  8)  the balloon  9)  support team  10) route
7 E
1) C 2) F 3) B 4) D 5) A

                        8 E
                               1) A  2) B  3) A  4) A  5) C  6) B  7) B

9 E
1) C  2) A  3) A  4) B  5) C  6) B  7) C  8) A
                        10 E
1) uncle  2) A Natural Life  3) private teachers   4) a monkey   5) photographer
6) knowledge  7) rarest species  8) three decades 9)  advertising 10)  raise (financial) support
11 E
1) F 2) B 3) D 4) E 5) C
12 E
                        1) B  2) C  3) A  4) A  5) C  6) B  7) C

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Stress Management: Top Tips To Reduce Stress

Hello everyone,

Here is an interesting video with top tips to reduce stress during this potentially stressful exam time.
Hope you find it helpful. Good luck!

martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Santa Brigida: Procedure For Certification Exam Registration

Intermediate 2 Students in Santa Brigida, if you are going to do the Certification Exam on June the 4th, please go to the Santa Brigida Webpage HERE and read the instructions on how to fill in the form. Print it out and take it to the Office. The opening date to leave the form in the office is from the 2nd of May.

Remember this is totally your responsability, we will not be filling in the form in class. Any questions, please read the webpage instructions carefully or ask in the office.  Thanks.

P.S.  IMPORTANT :  There are TWO pages you have to print and bring to the office, check carefully.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Santa Brigida Exam Time-Table

Intermediate 2A

Reading and Listening                         Monday 13th of May

Writing                                               Wednesday 15th of May

Advanced 1

Reading and Listening                         Monday 20th of May

Writing                                               Wednesday 15th of May

Speaking:  If you do not already have a Speaking Exam time, please come and talk to me or leave a message in the comments box below.

Good luck everyone!

Petition Against the Cutbacks in the Escuelas De Idiomas

Please read THIS article and sign the petition if you want to help stop the cutbacks in the Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

7 Reasons To Learn a Foreign Language

This is a wonderful article on 'Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language.'  Go HERE to read the complete article.
I hope it will motivate you to keep learning and to keep enjoying it. Some quotes from the article that stood out for me are:
'Nine times out of ten, those whose succeeded had one thing in common: genuine interest in the language.'
' You realize you can be your own teacher.'
'You realize that learning is organic and unpredictable.'
Enjoy! : )

Certification Exams Guide And Certification Exam Models

The Department of Education has published a guide to find out all about the Certification Exams in June 2013.  Go HERE if you want to read it.

Please go HERE if you want to see models of Certification Exams from other Autonomous Communities. Remember that the format may be different in some of them.

Telde Exam Time-table

NI2 A    5-7 Group

Reading and Listening  30th of April Tuesday  5-6.45

Writing  2nd of May Thursday  6-7

NI2 C    7-9 Group

Reading and Listening  30th of April Tuesday  7-8.45

Writing  2nd of May Thursday  7-8

Speaking Exams are arranged individually with each student. If you do not have a speaking exam time, please get in touch with me in the comments box to organise a time.  Thanks.

Santa Brigida: Intermediate 2 CD 4

CD 4

1 shy  2 jeans  3 T-shirts  4 (some) CD’s  5 colours  6 making  7 France  8  art galleries

1A  2B  3A  4C

1E  2A  3B  4D  5G  6E  7F  8D  9C  10A

1C  2A  3A  4C  5B

1B  2C  3F  4E  5A

1A  2C  3B  4B  5C  6A

1B  2C  3B  4C  5B  6C  7A  8B

1 Italy  2 a circus  3 every day  4 trainer  5 fifteen  6 relax  7 plane  8 ankle
9  football  10 restaurant

1C  2C  3B  4B  5A  6B

1D  2B  3F  4E  5C

1B  2B  3C  4C  5B  6B

1B  2A  3B  4C  5B  6C  7B  8A

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Advanced 1 CD 3 Answers


1 E 
1C   2  B   3  C   4  A   5  C   6  B   7  A   8  C
2 E
1 (she was) 12   2 (a new) paperback/book   3 (an) engineer   4 (a/an (art)) teacher  
5 tell/read her a story   6  read her own stories   7 poetry/poems  8  a (new) computer
9 an editor 10 the advice
3 E
1  E   2  C   3  D   4  F   5  A
4 E
1  M   2  A   3  P   4  A   5  M   6  P   7  A
5 E
1  B   2  B   3  B   4  A   5  B   6  C   7  A   8  C
6 E
1  the hotel porter   2  the hotel reception desk   3  the hotel doctor
4  24 hours in advance/before   5  warm clothing  6  (a number of) local restaurants  
7  until late at night  8  credit cards   10 fine(s)  11  a special licence (plate)
7 E
1  C   2  E   3  F   4  D   5  A
8 E
1  C   2  C  3  B   4  B   5  A   6  B   C
9 E 
12  C   3  A   4  B   5  C   6  C   7  C   8  B
10 E
1 two/a couple of weeks   2 all over the world   3 cold/chilly/only 7 degrees   4 train 
5/6 large/grey/very busy  (either order)   7 learning Russian  8  English (conversation) lessons  9 recipes 10 English suppers
11 E
1  C   2  E   3  D   4  A   5  F
12 E
1  G   2  T   3  H   4  H   5  G   6  T   7  H
13 E
1 Australia    2 business/work   3 train   4 bus/coach   5 45 minutes   6  20 minutes
7 self-service place/restaurant and snack bar  8  chocolate and shoe shops
14 E
1  D   2  F   3  B   4  C   5  E
15 E
1  T   2  T   3  F   4  F   5  T   6  F   7  T

Santa Brigida: Advanced 1 Speaking Samples



a) Use a variety of like/dislike expressions and opinion expressions to explain your reasons

b) Generalise

c) Link your ideas coherently. 

d) Give examples

e) Use a variety of grammar

f)  Make your speaking sound confidentpersonal and ‘real!’

g) Organize your discourse in a logical way with a suitable introductiondevelopment and conclusion within the time framework of 3 minutes. You will have to time yourself in the exam.


1. Have you ever not taken advantage of a good opportunity and regretted it or have you ever taken advantage of a good opportunity? Explain, giving reasons and examples.

2. Talk about what you were allowed to do and what you had to do when you were a child. Are there things you used to do as a child which would be considered risky now?

3. If you were going to go backpacking in the Amazon rainforest, what do you think would be the biggest dangers? Would you do it? Why/Why not?

4. Would you do a parachute jump for charity? Why/why not? Talk about the whole concept of doing such things for charity.


5. Talk about how important music is in your life. When/where/why/how do you listen to music?

6. Would you perform in front of an audience? Why/why not? How would you expect to feel on doing this? Do you have any experience of performing for an audience?

7. If you could be a world-class musician, what exactly would you choose to be?


8. What is your procedure for preparing for exams? Do you begin in time or do you leave it until the night before? Explain your reasons for doing so. Talk about the consequences of your techniques.

9. Talk about something you would love to learn to do. Why/why not? What are the possibilities of this happening?


10. Talk about things that need doing in or around your house/flat/garden. If money were not an obstacle, what would you like to do to your house/flat/garden? Why?


11. Talk about something(s) that really annoy you and why and how you wish it/they would change.
Consider the following or choose one of your own:
Companies that call you during the evening trying to sell you something,
People who criticize politicians and the government but then don't vote in elections etc


12. Talk about something in the news recently that shocked you or an area of your town/city/island which is scary at night.


13. Talk about what you think might be the typical things that people regret in their lives. Think of areas related to: Family, Lifestyle, Education, Work or other areas.


14. Talk about a favourite advert. Give details and explanations.

15. Talk about an advert that makes you NOT want to ever buy the product. Why does the advert or adverts have this effect on you.


16. How do you keep up to date with what is going on in the world? What is the biggest story in the news at the moment?



a) An Interaction is NOT a mini-monologue.  You MUST interact, which means: You ask for (suggest, advise, persuade, find out, share etc ) your partner’s opinion, you respond to what your partner says.

b) Use a variety of like/dislike expressions and opinion expressions.

c) Explain your reasons.

d) Generalise.

e) Link your ideas coherently.

f) Give examples.

g) Use a variety of grammar.

h) Make your speaking sound confident, personal and ‘real!’

1. Discuss high-risk sports. Do you think that high-risk sports should be allowed, why/why not? Have you ever tried any high-risk sports or would you ever try any high-risk sports? What do you think about how local authorities sometimes have to 'rescue' people involved in high-risk sports and the public costs involved in this?

2. What is your opinion of Gangsta Rap music? Some people say that it contains sexist lyrics and may encourage aggresion and a certain level of violence. Discuss together what you think of these statements.

3. Discuss the concept of living in a sleep-deprived society. Do you think this is true? Why/why not? Talk about sleep in general and your sleep habits. Ask and respond.

4. Discuss the world of advertising. Exchange views on whether people should be allowed to advertise the following: alcoholic drinks, expensive children's toys, junk food, political parties.

5. Talk together about the advantages and disadvantages of 'Online Dating.' Opinion, reason and give examples.

6. Discuss together which is better working for someone else or being your own boss.

7. Discuss together about how it is impossible to get an unbiased view of what is happening in the world from the News on TV. Newspaper are far more objective.  Ask and respond to each other.

8. Discuss the idea of banning traffic from all city centres. Only public transport, bikes and pedestrians should be allowed in the city centre.

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Santa Brigida: INTERMEDIATE 2 Sample Speaking Monologues and Interactions

Here are some sample Monologues and Interactions. Please also check the speaking samples from Jan. 2013 which may also appear in the May Exam.



a) Use a variety of like/dislike expressions and opinion expressions to explain your reasons

b) Generalise

c) Link your ideas coherently. 

d) Give examples

e) Use a variety of grammar

f)  Make your speaking sound confident, personal and ‘real!’

g) Organize your discourse in a logical way with a suitable introductiondevelopment and conclusion within the time framework of 3 minutes. You will have to time yourself in the exam.


1. Talk about clothes and your attitude to shopping for clothes (where? When?). Include your view on the latest fashion and the ‘need’ or not to keep to the latest fashion and trends.  

2. Give your opinion on the following: 'The More Expensive Clothes Are, The Longer They Last '


3. Talk about two things you wish you had/hadn't done when you were younger. Give reasons and examples.

4. Talk about two or three possessions you wish you had which would improve your life. Give reasons and examples.

Houses and Decoration

5. Talk about if there is anything you really don't like about your own house or/and the furniture and decoration in general in your country. 

6. Talk about a room or a piece of furniture in your house that you are particulary fond of. Give details (e.g where did you get the piece of furniture, why that room? etc).

7. Talk about your Dream House (Where would it be? What would it be like? etc) Give reasons for your choices.

Animals or People

8. If you could be an animal which one would you be and why?  Give reasons etc

9. What animal do you think makes the best pet for children, old people, working adults. Explain why, giving reasons and examples.  


10. Talk about how important it is to have a good memory for you. Do you think it's possible to improve your memory? If so, how? If not, why not? Give reasons , examples and personal experience.  

11. Talk about a childhood memory. Use these headings to help you: age, occasion and background to story, what happened, what happened in the end, how you felt.   

12. Talk about a very special birthday or holiday occasion e.g. Christmas

13. Talk about being very excited about something you were going to do for the first time.

Secret Stories

14. What kind of toys did you used to play with when you were a child? Did you have a favourite toy? Why? Which toys were in fashion when you were a child? Are they still in fashion now?


15. What is the Canarian lifestyle? What is your opinion on the way of life in the Canaries? Is the standard of living good? Why?/Why not?

16. What outside influences has an effect on the Canary islands? Describe how and why.  



a) An Interaction is NOT a mini-monologue.  You MUST interact, which means: You ask for your partner’s opinion, you respond to what your partner says.

b) Use a variety of like/dislike expressions and opinion expressions.

c) Explain your reasons.

d) Generalise.

e) Link your ideas coherently.

f) Give examples.

g) Use a variety of grammar.

h) Make your speaking sound confident, personal and ‘real!’

1. Discuss together:  'Being Fashionable Is More Important Than Being Comfortable.' Suggest ideas. Accept or reject each other's ideas. Give reasons and examples. 

2. Discuss together: Do you think men and women behave differently because they have been conditioned by society to do so, or because they are biologically different. Support your viewpoint with reasons and examples.

3. Discuss together: Do you believe in the philosophy of Feng Shui? Ask and respond to each others questions on this philosophy. What parts of it are attractive to you? What do you find difficult to believe? Do you have any personal (or other) experience of this philosophy? 

4. Discuss together: 'We worry too much about protecting wild animals and not enough about protecting people.' Take different sides and reason your arguments, giving examples.

5. Discuss together: 'Should hunting as a sport be made illegal?'  OR 'Should animals be used in medical experiments?'

6. Discuss together: 'Should dogs be banned in cities?'  OR 'Should animals be killed for food?'  

7. Discuss together: What brands are popular in your country? Why do you think these brands are popular? Do you think it is a good idea to buy special brands or is it just as good to buy a generic product?   

8. Discuss together: 'American influence has affected our islands/country greatly' Give reasons and examples. Ask and respond to your partner. 

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Santa Brigida Intermediate 2: CD3 Listening Answers

Rectángulo redondeado: Answer keyNI2

1C  2B  3A  4B  5C  6B  7A  8B  9C  10A

1C  2A  3C  4A  5C  6B  7B  8C  9A  10B

1C  2B  3A  4C  5A  6B  7B  8A  9B  10C

1B  2A  3C  4C  5B  6B  7A  8A  9C  10C

1C  2A  3C  4B  5B  6C  7B  8B  9A  10C

1B  2B  3C  4C  5C  6A  7B  8C  9A  10C

1C  2A  3B  4B  5C  6B  7C  8A  9A  10C

1A  2B  3C  4C  5A  6B  7A  8C  9B  10C

1A  2B  3C  4C  5A  6B  7B  8C  9A  10B

1B  2C  3A  4B  5B  6A  7C  8C  9A  10B

1C  2B  3B  4C  5A  6A  7B  8C  9A  10A

1B  2A  3C  4A  5B  6B  7C  8A   9C  10A