martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Santa Brigida: Final Marks and Time-Table to View Your Exams

Advanced 1 and Intermediate 2, tomorrow, Wednesday the 29th, when I put the marks up on the noticeboard, you will see 3 different sets of marks and the Global .

Column 1. You will see your Continuous Assessment (Progreso) mark for  Reading (CL), Listening (CA), Writing (EE) and Speaking (EO), in that order.  This is not only the January exam mark, it is the mark for your work throughout the whole year and my impressions of your progress.

Column 2. You will see the May Exam mark (Prueba de Aprovechamiento) in the same order, Reading (CL), Listening (CA), Writing (EE) and Speaking (EO).

Column 3. You will see the Final Mark (Evaluación Aprovechamiento) which is the combination of the May Exam and the Continuous Assessment, in the same order, Reading (CL), Listening (CA), Writing (EE) and Speaking (EO).

Final Column:  This is the Global Average which will say Apto or No Apto.

Exam Viewing Times Intermediate 2:  16.30 to 18.15

Exam Viewing Times Advanced 1:     18.30  to  20.15

See you tomorrow then.

P.S. If anyone from Intermediate 2 wants to get Listening CD 5, please ask for it in the office.

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