lunes, 21 de enero de 2013

TELDE: Informal Speaking Practice in the Cafetería with Thomas, Our Assistant in the Classroom

Thomas will be in the Cafetería at the following times if anyone would like to practice their English Oral skills with him during exam time. 
22 DE ENERO 2013

DE 17.00 A 20.00

28 DE ENERO DE 2013

DE 10.00 A 12.00
23 DE ENERO 2013

DE 16.00 A 20.00

29 DE ENERO DE 2013

DE 17.00 A 21.00

DE 8.30 A 11.30

30 DE ENERO DE 2013

DE 16.00 A 18.00

31 DE ENERO DE 2013

DE 16.00 A 20.00

Students from Telde E.O.I. are invited to join these informal English chats during the above mentioned times. 

domingo, 13 de enero de 2013

Telde Exam Timetable

Intermediate 2  NI2A  17.00-19-00

Speaking Exams:  Tuesday the 22nd of January and Thursday the 24th

Reading and Listening: Tuesday 29th of January

Writing: Thursday 31st of January from 18.00-19.00

Intermediate 2  NI2C  19.00-21.00

Speaking Exams:  Tuesday the 22nd of January, Thursday the 24th,  Thursday the 31st (Before and after writing exam), Tuesday the 5th

Reading and Listening: Tuesday 29th of January

Writing: Thursday 31st of January from 19-00-20-00

**NOTE: Please speak to me in class or leave me a message here on the Blog if you need a speaking time.

Santa Brigida Exam Timetable

Intermediate 2

Jan. 21st Monday   Reading Listening

Jan 23rd Wednesday  Writing (1 hour)

Jan 28th Monday Speakings

Jan. 30th Monday  Speakings

Feb. 4th Wednesday Speakings

Advanced 1

Jan. 21st Monday   Reading Listening

Jan 23rd Wednesday  Writing (1 hour)

Jan 28th Monday Speakings

Jan. 30th Wednesday Speakings

Feb. 4th Monday  Speakings

Feb. 6th Wednesday (Speakings Possibly, not confirmed yet, it depends on numbers who do exam).

***NOTE: Please speak to me in class or leave a message here if you need a speaking exam time.

Santa Brigida: Intermediate 2 Speaking Topics Studied

Monologue Sample Questions: Practice speaking for 3 minutes on the following: What specific vocabulary and grammar from the book would you use?

Do you like your first name? why/why not? Nicknames? Importance of a name? stereotypes? Effect life? Change your name?

Opinion? Reason? Examples? Danger? Strengths/weaknesses of your nationality? Are you typical of your nationality, why/why not?

TV and Radio
Give your opinion TV and Radio as a means of communication. Think of favourite programmes, types of programmes, channel-hopping, advertisements,  national versus independent TV etc

Do people in general in Spain have a good sense of humour? Yourself? Favourite comedy series? Telling jokes? Comedians?

What kind of music/singers did you like when you were younger? Has your taste changed much? Do you sing or play a musical instrument? Describe your opinion on music, in general.

Do you think there are more 'famous' people nowadays than in the past? Do people suffer from being famous? Do you think it is right that the media intrude in the private lives of the 'famous'?    

Talk about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. What do you do to keep fit/to stay healthy?

Health Advice
Think about some some advice to give related to keeping well in general e.g. If you have problems with insomnia,......

Alternative medicine
What is your opinion on alternative medicine? Have you ever tried any form of alternative medicine or do you know of anyone else who has experience of alternative medicine , if so, was it successful? Why/why not?

What do you think might be our best age/worst age? Why? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of being your present age?

The Future
Talk about what you might be doing in 10 years' time. What might you have done by the year 2023? Give reasons and examples.

Predictions: In 20 Years' Time
Give your opinion on one of the following statements, remember to give reasons and examples to support your opinion.

People will be using more alternative medicines.
People will be marrying less.
Scientists will be cloning people

Childhood/Teenage Years
Speak about things you used to do as a child/teenager. Is there any one particular thing that you used to do as a child/teenager that your family still talk about? Do you have any anecdotes that you would like to share on your childhood or teenage years?

Tell a story or anecdote that can be true or invented (amusing, terrifying, entertaining,  surprising...etc). Tell it in a convincing way using the appropriate grammar, linking words, adverbs etc to make it sound interesting and convincing.

Are you addicted to any of the following or do you know anyone who is...:  Internet chat rooms, texting, listening to music, doing a hobby,  computer games, TV, shopping....others? Describe how long is spent on this activity in general, how it effects your/their life. Have you/they ever tried to give up this activity?

Do you drive? If so, do you enjoy it? Why/why not?. If you don't drive at present, would you like to learn to drive, why/why not? Do you have any 'driving stories' e.g. about learning to drive, about a time when the car broke down, about being lost, about running out of petrol etc

What is your favourite historical film or novel? Is there a period of history you would have liked to have lived in? Why? What do you think about how you were taught history at school?

Interaction Sample Questions: Practice speaking for 5 minutes together on the following: What specific vocabulary and grammar from the book would you use?

Agree/Disagree Statements
State if you agree or disagree with one or two of the following statements, give reasons and examples for your opinion:
More TV channels means more variety and better programmes
TV Companies shouldn't interrupt films with commercials
Violence on TV can influence negatively on childrens' behaviour

Imagine you are interviewing each other for Time magazine. The magazine wants you to ask general questions along with unusual/different/ interesting questions.  Take turns asking and answering questions.

Discuss together the importance of having a good sense of humour? Is being able to laugh at yourselves beneficial, if so, how? How do you feel about English jokes and sense of humour? Ask and answer each others' questions.

Discuss together the right or not that the media have to intrude in the private lives of the 'famous.' Develop your opinions, give reasons and examples.

Discuss the health system in your country? What are the differences between private and public health care? Do you have any personal experience of one or both of these systems? Develop your opinions, give reasons and examples.

Eternal Youth
Debate with a partner the idea of using cosmetic surgery to try to keep looking young? Discuss the benefits, dangers, cost, meaning, pressure to do it etc

Vision of the Future
Discuss together your 'Vision of the Future',  think about shopping, technology, health, sport, travel. Debate together, reasoning, giving examples.

Debate the following topic with your partner:
'Internet Addiction is Increasing '
State the possible reasons why, the effects, the dangers and speak of any case(s) in particular that you know of.

Dangerous Activities
Talk together about what you consider to be dangerous activities. Discuss the dangers and/or benefits of doing these activities. Have you got any personal experience of doing any of these activities or would you do some of these activities in the future?

Debate the following:
Young people today are not interested in Politics
How true is the above statement? Reasons? Examples?

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

Santa Brigida: Advanced 1 Speaking Topics Studied

Monologue Sample Questions: Practice speaking for 3 minutes on the following: What specific vocabulary and grammar from the book would you use?
Please see advice given here under 'Considerations'.

Earliest memory? When? Who? etc

Opinion? Experience? Advantages? Disadvantages? Questions you would like/wouldn't like

'Love Makes the World Go Round' far do you agree with this opinion? Reason and give examples. Anecdotes etc.

Do you like your first name? why/why not? Nicknames? Importance of a name? stereotypes? Effect life? Change your name?

Choose 2 or 3 and say what kind of person makes a:
bad flatmate
good friend
good Teacher
bad travelling companion
bad boss

Describe a time you felt: impatient, stubborn, bad-tempered, considerate, loyal, assertive, easy-going etc....explain the circumstances, details etc

Opinion? Why?  Reason and give examples and circumstances and contexts.

Health and Illness
What do you do if you have 1 or 2 of the following: a twisted ankle, a cold, a flu, food-poisoning, an allergic reaction, a heart-attack...describe any personal experience of any of the above, anecdotes, reactions.... what tips do you have on staying healthy?

Opinion on types of stress common today, why? Personal experience of stress. Do you believe in 'good stress?' Any health stories you've heard recently?

Do you believe in them? Why?/Why not? Reading horoscopes? Popularity? Problematic or not?

Opinion? Reason? Examples? Danger? Strengths/weaknesses of your nationality? Are you typical of your nationality, why/why not?

Say if you agree or disagree with one or two of the following, reason, generalise and give examples.
The British are usually friendlier than the Americans
The rich are always meaner than the poor
The elderly are best looked after in residential homes
The unemployed should not receive state benefits
People are now consumer-crazy

Clothes and Fashion
Discuss one of  the following:  -  reason, generalise and give examples.
We have become slaves to fashion
What is in fashion at the moment for men and women?
What is your country's reputation for dressing?

Clothes and Fashion
Think of some adjectives to describe the way people dress and associate celebrities or people you know with them. What does 'dress to kill' and 'fit like a glove' mean?  Think of an occasion when you dressed to kill or describe something you have bought that fitted like a glove.  

Tell a story or anecdote that can be true or invented. Tell it in a convincing way using the appropriate grammar, linking words, adverbs etc to make it sound interesting and convincing.

Talk about a time when someone you know had a frightening/funny/unusual experience.  Tell it in a convincing way using the appropriate grammar, linking words, adverbs etc to make it sound interesting and convincing.

What are the most common crimes in your town, village, neighbourhood? Why? How? etc  Any personal experience of a type of crime?

Do you know of any mugging, burglary, shoplifting, kidnapping stories from your life or in the news? Do you have trials by jury in your country? What is the punishment system like? Does it work? Opinion, reason, generalise, give examples.

Have you or has anyone you know experienced any surprising weather at home or when abroad or have you heard of any extreme weather event in the world? If so, describe the occasion.  What type of weather phenomenon would you be most frightened of/amazed by? Why? Why not?

Climate Change/Climate
What do you know about climate change? Have you read anything recently about it? Are there steps we can take to help prevent climate change? What would be the ideal climate for you to live in? Why? What would be worst climate conditions for you to live in? Why?

Talk about a time when you or someone you know experiences one or a few of the following: a flood, fog and bad smog, unbearable cold, endless rain for days, a gale or hurricane, a heatwave, a thunderstorm. What were you or your friend doing at the time? How did you protect yourselves? How did you feel?

** Added in on 13/1

DialogueInteraction Sample Situations:  Could you have a 7 minute conversation about the following? What specific vocabulary and grammar from the book would you use?

Questions and Answers
Imagine you are interviewing each other for Time magazine. The magazine wants you to ask unusual/different/ interesting questions. Please consider indirect questions also.  Take turns asking and answering questions.

Talk together about the advantages and disadvantages of 'Online Dating.' Opinion, reason and give examples.

Talk together by asking and answering questions to find out the others' opinion and to share your own opinion about about what type of personality is needed to fulfill the following roles:
a Director of a hotel,  a Tourist Guide, a Sales-Person, an Once seller. Give reasons, examples and any specific cases you know of.

Discuss together the whole idea of horoscopes, and their popularity. Why do people read and believe in horoscopes? Have you ever  had any experience of your horoscope coming true or do you know of anyone who this has happened to?

Luck/Good Fortune
Discuss together your opinions on buying lottery tickets or any such tickets. How do you view this whole idea of having good luck or good fortune? Do you have any experience of knowing someone who has been lucky in this way? What do you know or what have you read about what sometimes happens to people after they have won a big sum of money?

Discuss together how to maintian a healthy lifestyle etc.

Discuss the dramatic changes that can happen in a person's life due to winning a large sum of money. Talk together about both advantages and disadvantages.

One of you has a problem and the other is going to act as advisor or counsellor friend.  Invent the conversation, asking and advising accordingly.

Doctor and Patient Interactions
One of you has a problem, the other acts as the doctor.

Psychics, Palmistry, Zodiac signs
One of you is a firm believer in Psychics etc, the other is a skeptical friend, think of a situation that you are in where you discuss and debate these issues.

Vision of the Future
Discuss together your 'Vision of the Future',  think about shopping, technology, health, sport, travel. Debate together, reasoning, giving examples.

The Job Crisis
Debate the job crisis together - causes, effects, consequences, solutions, personal experience etc

Job For Life
Discuss together the advantages and disadvantages of a Job For Life.  

Telde: A Summary of the Speaking Topics Studied

These are examples of some of  the topics which we studied from the students' book. Have a look at them and select a few to practice for your Speaking Exam. Decide which vocabulary and grammar is associated with each topic.


1. It is essential to show that you can use the new vocabulary and expressions learned.
2. You must use a variety of grammar structures and show that you can use the grammar studied this term.
3. Remember to answer the question accurately -  make your points relevant, coherent and appropriate to the task.
4. Keep to the time period given.
5. Do not repeat points.
6. Try to keep as fluent and as natural as possible....if you need time to think, use expressions like: Let me see, what else?, let me think, oh yes, etc try not to have long silences!
7. Show confidence, speak not attempt to speak too fast. It is not a race!
8. Use appropriate linking words to link your ideas e.g. so, therefore, while, afterwards, first, however, consequently, due to this etc

Monologue Sample Questions: Could you speak for 3 minutes on the following:
What specific vocabulary and grammar from the book would you use?

You are looking for a new flatmate. Consider the following - How? Characteristics of new flatmate? Topics to discuss? Questions to ask?

Living Alone
Opinion? Experience? Advantages/Disadvantages? Cost etc?

Living with Family or Friends
Opinion? Experience? Advantages/Disadvantages? Cost etc?

Ideal Niche Holiday
Where? Why? Who with? How? When?

Problems?  Experience? Considerations? Difficulty?

Activities you'd like to try
Why? People who have done it? Reasons to try it? Preparation? Advantages/Disadvantages?

New Place to live
Where? Why? Amenities? Suitability? Life-style?

People You Enjoy Meeting Socially
Who? Characteristics? Activities? Where?

Childhood or Teenage Years
Describe it. Things you used to do, experiences, people in your life, memories etc

Bored  Afraid Annoyed Exhausted Fascinated Satisfied Impressed Anxious Amazed Depressed Furious  Starving etc  think of when you felt 2-3 of these emotions and explain the circumstances.

Ideal Best Friend/Life Partner
Which characteristics describe your ideal best friend and/or your ideal partner? Personality/behaviour? Attitude to life? Anything else?

Ideal Work Companion
Which characteristics describe your ideal work companioin? Personality/behaviour? Attitude to life? Anything else?

Which ones? Opinion in general on games? Advantages? Potential problems? Comuter games? TV game shows?

In 10 years' time
Describe what your life might be like? Why? How? Want?

Future plans
Describe in detail reasoning why? Where? Who? How?

What makes you happy? Why? Important factors for happiness?

Starting a new job/course
Experience? Feelings? Difficulties? etc

Social Issues
Your opinion on the social issues we have studied eg. Unemployment.... use opinion expressions, give examples and reason your answer.

Dialogue Sample Situations:  Could you have a 5 minute conversation about the following? 

What specific vocabulary and grammar from the book would you use?


A restaurant owner who has been broken into and a police officer, can you imagine the conversation?  What exactly happened?  What/Who do you blame? What solutions are there? How to avoid this in the future?

You are a landlord/landlady and a potential tenant. Imagine the conversation between you. What questions would you ask each other? Topics? Doubts?

A good work colleague and a good friend
Discuss together what combinations of personal qualities would make a good work colleague and which would make a good friend.

Talk together about things you used to do as a child/teenager? Compare and contrast experiences. Ask questions. How different now, reason answers with examples.

Living Abroad
Discuss together things that would be difficult to get used to if you were going to live in an English speaking country such as England or Ireland. Advantages? Expectations?

Customer Service Department and a Client
What type of problem might you be discussing?  Questions you would ask? Information you are looking for?

Debating Social Issues
Poverty, Unemployment, Technological World, Drug Addiction, Famine, Drought, Smoking,  Depression, Weight Issues....etc  Discuss together one of these issues, giving your opinion in a variety of ways, giving examples and reasoning.

You and your partner plan a holiday together. Where? Why? Activities? Considerations - cost, time, weather....etc