martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Home-work for Week Beginning 15th and 22nd of November


1. Continue with the EOI Listening CDs. The day for finally finishing the
CDs will be the 1st/2nd of December.

2. Intermediate: Doubts on parts 1 to 8 will be discussed on 22nd/23rd Nov.

3. Continue with CD Roms.

* Intermediate:

1. Workbook pages 11/12 - doubts discussed on 22nd/23rd (Remember only do the workbook pages related to what we have done in class)

* Advanced:

1. Workbook pages 12/13/14 - doubts discussed on 15th/16th

2. Peer correction of writing for 15th/16th

3. Speaking activity from previous post.

4. Listening CDs up to Test 2 Part 2.

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