miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Home-work for the Week Beginning the 28th of October

Intermediate 1

1. Students' Book page 15, Do the Reading and all exercises connected with the Reading.
2. Students' Book page 14, Learn and practice the expressions related to Recommendations and write 5 recommendations for each of the Speaking exercises A and B on page 14 at the bottom of the page.
3. Students' Book page 17 - Do the Unit Review and the Quiz.
3. Work-book page 8 - do the Reading.

** Revise the grammar and vocabulary and function structure for our first Consolidation Test on Monday/Tuesday the 28th/29th of October.
** The students who are going on the excursion, please check that you know the vocabulary related to the Galdar Cave for our trip on Thursday the 31st of October.

Elementary (Básico 1)

1. Work book page 9 - everything.
2. Students' Book page 16 and 17 - Write a paragraph on 'Important Things in My Life' similar to the two paragraphs on page 16 and 17. Include the verb 'to be' 'have got' and the adjectives and vocabulary that we studied.

** Revise the grammar and vocabulary for our first Consolidation Test on Monday the 28th of October.

Have a good week-end everyone!

Important News: Thursday 24th October Intermediate 1

We will NOT have class today, Thursday the 24th, as I am on strike (de huelga). Check the next Blog entry for home-work for next week. Have a good week-end and maybe see you at the protest march!

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Intermediate 1 The Painted Cave in Galdar

Here is some information on the Painted Cave in Galdar so that you can do some research before we go and then you will enjoy the experience more.

In class and possibly while travelling on the bus, we can exchange and share information on what we discovered about the Painted Caves of Galdar.

Go HERE to answer the following questions:

Who discovered the paintings?
What type of plantation was it?
What year did they discover the paintings?
Finish the sentence: A h_____was the access to the cave.
What type of people travelled to the cave at the beginning?
What is the meaning of to 'walk kneeing'? Why did they have to do this?
What shape and colour are the paintings?
Why was the cave closed in 1982?
What year did the cave open as a Museum and Archaeological park?
What does the Museum and Archaeological park consist of?

Here is some of the vocabulary connected with The Painted Cave, check to make sure you know the meaning of each word

Clay, walls, cave, low, high, discovery, research, drawings, deterioration, humidity, chamber, excavations, digging, preserve, lighting, domestic animals, geometric paintings, dwelling, historical, valuable, covered, glass, protect, site, walk through,centuries, rupestrian paintings, exhibition, work of preservation, re-open, figures, protect, hole, surface, cochineal plantation.

Can you find the words here?

What are Rupestrian paintings? Check the information HERE.

Read about the Research on the Painted Cave HERE

Read about the conservation of the Painted Cave HERE

Read about the project connected with the Painted cave HERE


Home-work Intermediate 1 and Básico 1


1. Workbook page 5 and page 6, everything including listening and pronounciation.

2. Groups 17.00-19.00 Prepare 'Culture Towns' (Group 19.00-21.00 for the moment you don't do this activity)

3. Prepare Pub Quiz Canarian Culture Questions


1. Workbook page 8 - everything.

2. General Revision

Intermediate 1 Subject Questions

Examples of Quiz Questions for our Canarian Culture Pub Quiz are HERE and HERE

Remember this is home-work for next week (21/22 october)

Ask the Subject Questions with the Question Words WHO, WHAT, WHICH. Use the model questions in the Quizzes above to help you. Please also use the questions on page 12 of the Student's book to help you.

Extra Practice With Subject Questions

Extra Practice 1 go HERE

Extra Practice 2 go HERE

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Extra Listening Activities for Intermediate

Hello Intermediate 1,

Here is a Listening Website with some activities for you to try. Do the 'Easy' activities first. Why not try 2 activities this week? Good Luck!

Here is an entry in my Blog about more listening and pronounciation activities.

Home-work for next week (7th/8th of October) Básico 1 and Intermediate 1

Básico 1

1. Work-book (W.B.)pages 3, 4, 5 - all of the activities. Correct at home and we will talk about any doubts, if there are any doubts, next week.

Intermediate 1

1.Work-book (W.B.) Pages 3 and 4. Correct at home and we will talk about any doubts, if there are any doubts, next week.

2 Students' Book (S.B.) Page 133 Exercises 1, 2 3