jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Home-work for Week Beginning Oct. the 3rd

Intermediate 1

Monday/Wednesday Group

1. W/B page 6, Ex. 4a +b
2. Audio CD 1A
3. S/B P.8 all plus reading and P.9 4b
4. Make questions on the work-card
5. Read aloud for 5 minutes each day.

Tuesday/Thursday Groups

1. Audio Cd 1A 1B
2. W/B all p. 6 + p 7
3. Prepare work-card
4. Read aloud for 5 minutes each day.

Advanced 2

1. W/B p.5 ex. 3 b, p. 6 all.
2. S/B’have’ exercises p. 137 all + vocabulary bank p. 157 +p. 8+9
3. CD 1A Grammar checker
4. Prepare 5 minute speaking.
5. Next week listening and reading exam.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

E.O.I. Santa Brigida Gift Fair

E.O.I. Santa Brigida Gift Fair In Aid of Hunger Victims in Somalia

1001 Beautiful, Useful or Unusual Things

Are there any beautiful, useful or unusual things in your home which other students at the EOI de Santa Brígida would enjoy having? (For example, a piece of jewellery, a book, a CD, a lampshade, a scarf, a perfume bottle, a tennis racket.)

BRING them to class on Monday 3rd or Tuesday 4th October.

TALK to your classmates about their history. (Where did you buy them or who gave them to you? Why? When? Why do you like them? Where do you usually keep them? Why do you think other students would like to have them? Will you miss them?)

GIVE the objects to your teacher at the end of the class. He or she will put them in a box and keep them safe for our fair.

LOOK AT all the beautiful, useful and unusual things on display in our Gift Fair on Wednesday 5th or Thursday 6th from 4.30 pm – 8.30 pm.

CHOOSE something that you really, really like.

DONATE a sum of money - minimum 1 euro - for every item you have chosen by putting it in the donations box in your classroom.

All the money we raise will go to help hunger victims in Somalia through the NGO Doctors without Borders/Médicos Sin Fronteras.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Homework for Week Beginning 26th of September

Advanced 2

1. Students' Book Page 136 all exercises on discourse markers.

2. Workbook page 4 and 5 (except grammar B) (correct at home, doubts in class)

3. Grammar revision sheets.

4. Workbook CD rom work (You choose what to do)

Intermediate 1

1. Mon./Wed. group descriptive writing for Wednesday the 28th. Tues/Thursday groups descriptive writing for 22nd.

2. All groups workbook page 5 for Mon./Tues. (correct at home yourself and mark any doubts you have).

3. Workbook CD Rom work (You choose what to do)

Advanced 2 Motivation Theme: Dare to Be Great

Hi everyone,

Here is the poem/speech we looked at briefly in class yesterday and also
the accompanying video. Enjoy! Hope it motivaties you for the year ahead! ; )

Dare To Be Great

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t
feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.

The source of the speech is here.